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Mahoor music Quarterly. No. 57

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Mahoor music Quarterly. No. 57

  • Publish Year : 2012
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editorial Board: Sassan Fatemi, Hooman Asadi, Mohammad Mousavi, Hossein Yâssini, Bâbak Khazrâ’i, Arash Mohâfez, Sa’id Kordmâfi
About :

Articles: 1. On the Concept of a “Timurid Music” , Owen Wright, translated by Hooman Asadi 2. Modal Analysis of the Seven Maqâm of the Bakhshis of Northern Khorâsân, Bâbak Râhati 3. Pishrow-e Ajami, Part I: Fundamentals, Status and Modes, Ârash Mohâfez 4. Intonation Methods for Tahrir in Persian Âvâz: A Survey , Ali Kâzemi 5. Two Manuscripts on Music, Behruz Amini 

Miscellaneous Notes: 1. Is Forsat-e Shirâzi the Author of Bohur-ol-alhân, Bâbak Khazrâi

Fundamental Concepts: 1. Gender and Musical Instruments: Winds of Change?, Jason Zervoudakes and Judith M. Tanur, translated by Natalie Chubine

Interview: 1. An Overview of Historical Aspects and Technical System of Turkish-Ottoman Art Music Tradition, Fikret Karakaya in interview with Ârash Mohâfez

In Memoriam: 1. “March-e Jomhuri” by Âref Qazvini: “Ghorfe” or “Gharqe”?, Shahrâm Âqâyipur 2. Music Section of Daryâ-ye Kabir  by Forsat Shirâzi: A Report, Bâbak Khazrâi

Fundamental Concepts: 1. Whose Ethnomusicology? Western Ethnomusicology and the Study of Asian Music,  J. Lawrence Witzleben, translated by Natalie Chubine

Interview: 1. Mohammad-Rezâ Gorginzâdeh in Interview. Bijan Zelli

Critique and Review: 1. A History of Arabian Music to the XIIIth  Century by Henry George Farmer; A Critical Survey of the Persian Translation, Akbar Sobut

Till Another Season: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
